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What happens if I stop using PPC services?
What happens if I stop using PPC services?
Updated over a week ago

We typically don't suggest you stop PPC services abruptly, but when you discontinue using PPC services it can negatively affect your online presence. Here are a few potential outcomes:

  1. Immediate Loss of Paid Traffic: When you stop using PPC services or pause your campaigns, your ads will no longer be shown on search engine results pages (SERPs) or relevant websites. This will result in an immediate loss of paid traffic to your website.

  2. Decreased Visibility: Without active PPC campaigns, your brand's visibility in paid search results and display ads will diminish. This can impact your online presence and reduce the number of impressions your brand receives.

  3. Decrease in Immediate Conversions: PPC campaigns often generate immediate conversions as users click on your ads and take desired actions on your website. When you discontinue PPC services, you may experience a decline in these immediate conversions.

  4. Competitor Advantage: Your competitors who continue to run PPC campaigns may gain an advantage in terms of visibility and traffic. They can capture the market share that was previously targeted by your ads, potentially leading to a loss of potential customers.

  5. Loss of Data and Insights: PPC campaigns provide valuable data and insights into keyword performance, audience behavior, and ad effectiveness. When you stop using PPC services, you lose access to this data, which can be used to inform future marketing strategies and optimizations.

  6. Impact on Remarketing Efforts: If you were utilizing PPC for remarketing campaigns to target users who have previously interacted with your website, stopping PPC services will halt these remarketing efforts. This can impact your ability to reach and engage with potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services.

It's important to note that the impact of stopping PPC services will depend on various factors, including your industry, competition, and the duration and success of your previous PPC campaigns. It's advisable to closely monitor the performance of your campaigns, consider alternative advertising strategies, and assess the potential consequences of pausing or discontinuing PPC services.

If you decide to stop using PPC services, you may want to keep your options open for future campaigns or periodic re-engagement to maintain visibility, reach, and conversions through paid advertising channels.

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