How does SEO work?
Updated over a week ago

Search engines look at 3 primary factors when trying to understand all the websites in their index: authority, relevancy, and crawlability. We’ll skip crawlability to keep things simple. Crawlability gets more into the technical side of SEO, and ain’t nobody got time for that.

Authority is a measure of how reputable your website is in the eyes of Google and other search engines. Sticking with our pie example, authority is a measure of how big your pie is.

Everybody loves pie, so focus on making yours as big as possible.

Relevancy helps Google to understand what your website is about so it can send the right people to your website. In other words, Relevancy is all about making that 50% of your pie that comes from search engines taste better. Nobody wants a lot of bad pie, so as your pie gets bigger, it becomes more and more important to focus on relevancy.

If you type “cars” into Google, Google will sift through trillions of webpages and order them

based on how trustworthy they are, and how relevant they are to “cars”.

SEO is all about helping Google to better understand your website, while also increasing your authority, so you start appearing for the search terms that are most valuable to your business.

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