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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
I used to get twice as many visitors from Google. What happened?
I used to get twice as many visitors from Google. What happened?
Updated over a week ago

You probably got hit with an algorithm penalty.

Google updates their search algorithm every day to provide a better experience for searchers. Part of these updates consists of penalizing websites that go against Google’s rules.

There are two major algorithm penalties that could be hurting your search rankings: Panda and Penguin.

Panda is a series of updates to Google’s search algorithm focused on eliminating “thin” content from the internet. Think articles that scraped content from other sites, or short articles that are 100-200 words.

Penguin is a series of updates to Google’s algorithm aimed at eliminating web spam from search engines. Some classic tactics that could get a site penalized under these updates would be keyword stuffing, paying other websites to link back to you, or getting links from a lot of low-quality websites.

Fortunately, your website can recover. Email us or give us a call, and we’ll help you identify exactly what happened to your site.

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